20 dic 2011

Relevant women: Waris Dirie

Es la historia de Waris Dirie, protectora de los derechos de la mujer y activista en contra de la mutilacion genital femenina. Ella escapo de su matrimonio arreglado a Londres, donde trabajaba lavando pisos en Mc Donalds, donde un fotografo la descubrio, de refugiada a modelo a ganadora de premios por su lucha contra este tipo de mutilacion, la cual fue vivtima a los 5 años, fue elegina una de los 500 personajes musulmanes mas influyentes. Vale la pena ver la pelicula, totalmente.

Female Circumcision.

Not quite like Male Circumcision.

Millions of girls bleed to death or die of terrible infections because of dodgy procedures without proper medical attention.

Those who survive cannot have sexual intercourse ever again with horrendous bleeding. And have to be sewn up every time they give birth and are constantly at risk of infection.

Done with out anaesthesia, the survivors are scarred psychologically for life.

Even Supermodels aren't spared from such senseless traditions that is still happening today in many African and/or Muslim countries.

Awareness of such outdated and cruel practices is still lacking despite high profile campaigning from the likes of Katoucha and Waris.

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